Maximizing Strength Training Efficiency with a Minimum Effective Dose

Check out this blog post on Minimal Effective Dose written by sport scientist, strength coach, and most importantly, my life partner, Rick Meldrum, M.S. Kinesiology, CSCS. He is the owner of RJM Performance Lab which offers data-driven performance coaching and programming. We both agree that more is not always better, better is better.

The common tendency in the fitness industry is to prioritize maximum effort and volume, often leading to injury and burnout. Drawing from experts like Mike Boyle and Mark Rippetoe, Rick advocates for a minimalist approach centered around the Minimum Effective Dose (MED), which emphasizes consistency and quality over quantity. This strategy promotes sustainable progress by focusing on essential exercises and avoiding excess strain on the body. By integrating strength training into one's lifestyle and adjusting the dosage based on individual needs and goals, individuals can achieve long-term health and performance gains. Ultimately, the key lies in finding the right balance between effort and recovery to optimize results while minimizing the risk of injury and burnout. - READ MORE


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