I want to bridge the gap between traditional rehab and fitness by helping you move better, get stronger, and be more resilient.

Too often, injuries create fear and cause a decrease in activity level. This only makes us more vulnerable to sickness. My passion is to help you lift weights and feel stronger so you become more functional, confident, and have a lower risk of future injury.


A flash of lightning, much like an injury, can strike suddenly, without notice, and is often unpredictable. A storm can be scary, destructive, and dark but no storm lasts forever. The sun will shine again.

Lightning is a symbol of strength and enlightenment and is full of electric charge.

It’s powerful. A force of nature.

We can persevere by finding the strength within. Injuries are never fun but you are resilient and can overcome any storm that comes your way.

Let me help guide you!

Why a Lightning bolt?